The Modules
01. Breath
Deepening our Inner and Outer Connections
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: The Breathing Book by Donna Farhi
• Post Module Homework: journal a 30-day breath practice, with a focus on the natural breath
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Begin to cultivate your Essential Breath. Gain insight by exploring your personal holding patterns through breath experiments as well as discuss the common breath holding patterns. Review the function of the respiratory system and concepts of prana, nadis, vayus and use of attention and concentration to sense and move prana in the body.
*Note: The focus of this module is not traditional yogic pranayama.
02. Anatomy for Asanas
West meets East
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff – if you have the first edition already, use it. If you are purchasing, get the 2nd edition (some lovely additions).
• Post Module Homework: journal about teaching 5 classes using anatomical concepts, principles, or cueing.
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Discussion of joints and movement so we can elaborate on the concept of anatomical cueing. The roles of body orientation and anatomical proportion will be reviewed to help empower students (that includes us) in their practices. Continue with Movement Limitations and Yoga Asana Analysis; discussing purpose, intention, and asana complexity for some of our more “popular” asanas.
03. Raja Yoga 1
Meditation Practices
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: none
• Post Module Homework: journal a 60 day meditation practice
Review the purpose, theory, importance and benefits of meditation practice. Various techniques will be explored, as well as opportunities to try multiple meditation asanas (comfortable and stable seat).
04. Raja Yoga 2
Teaching Meditation
• Pre-requisites: Raja Yoga 1
• Required Reading: Will Yoga & Meditation Really Change my Life? by Stephen Cope OR Real Happiness – The Power of Meditation by Sharon Salzberg
• Post Module Homework: journal about teaching meditation in 5 classes
Each participant will teach a meditation class and receive feedback.
05. Bhakti Yoga
Devotional Practices
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
• Post Module Homework: journal a 40 day mantra japa practice
Inquire into our devotional practices as we explore the question “what am I devoted to?” There will be kirtan, mantra, and much discussion about Narada’s Bhakti Sutra.
A Year of Mantra Practice
Devotional Practices
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: none
• Post Module Homework: Write a one-page reflection on your year of chanting mantra.
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In this year-long (12-month) program, we will learn and practice mantras… and cultivate some wonderful tapas (disciplined practice!).
Mantra, or sacred sound, is a powerful tool for clearing, calming, and stabilizing the heart-mind. This is a deep and subtle practice – one that is very powerful and supportive.
There are many, many mantras one can learn. In this program, we will learn one each month, then practice the mantra for the whole month. This will give each participant a good ‘feel’ for the mantras and the effects of each mantra. The purpose of this course is experiential learning and practice.
This module counts as two (2) modules towards the Janati 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training program as the program is over 40 hours. Those of you who would like some practicum credit, can run your own chanting circles for a month (30 mins x 4 weeks).
06. Patañjali Yoga
Diving into the Sutras of Patañjali
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: How to Know God by Christopher Isherwood and Swami Prabhavananda
• Post Module Homework: journal about your personal obstacles to practice (most importantly – your solutions!) over 30 days
Our Yoga Sūtra inquiry begins with foundations, learning to chant the first few sūtras, moving into the Kleśas, Keys to Practice, Obstacles of practice, and the 8 limbs (ashtanga yoga).
A Year of Exploring Patañjali’s Yamas & Niyamas
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: there will be a list of Patañjali Yoga Sūtra books to choose from
• Post Module Homework: journal about your personal experiences with the Yamas & Niyamas
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Over the course of the year we will explore the Yamas & Niyamas in the context of our individual, personal, relational, and professional lives. Woven into this conversation will be other aspects of Patañjali’s teachings, including the Kleśas (mental-emotional afflictions), keys to practice, and the Anterayas (obstacles of practice).
07. Karma Yoga
a Life of Skilful Action & the Bhagavad Gita
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: Crucial Conversations by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan and Switzler, and any copy of the Bhagavad Gita – great translations include the ones by Stephen Mitchell or Eknath Easwaran
• Post Module Homework: Write up your goals to hand in (with updates as to how it’s going)
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An exploration about what Karma is, how it fits into our lives/practice/teaching, and what actions we live. We will spend time clarifying our intentions and expanding our dialogue skills – all to get closer to the lives we want to live!
08. Ayurveda 1
Ayurveda Basics for Yogis
(online self-guided option available)
• Pre-requisites: Introduction to Ayurveda Online course
• Required Reading: Eat Taste Heal, by Yarema, Rhoda, and Branningan
• Post Module Homework: figure out your dosha
• Exemption: Foundations of Ayurveda program
Access the course using this link.
09. Ayurveda 2
More Ayurveda for Yogis
(online self-guided option available)
• Pre-requisites: Ayurveda 1
• Required Reading: Eat Taste Heal, by Yarema, Rhoda, and Branningan
• Post Module Homework: you’ll find it in the course, as you go along!
• Exemption: Foundations of Ayurveda program
Access the course using this link.
10. Engaged Teaching
Evolving the Student-Teacher Relationship
• Pre-requisites: Ayurveda 1
• Required Reading: Teaching Yoga by Donna Farhi
• Post Module Homework: journal about your student-teacher relationships from the perspective of the student and teacher
Discussions about what a Yoga teacher is, the ethics of teaching, obstacles and challenges to teaching, the dynamics of the student-teacher relationship, and “meeting” the students.
11. Enhancements & Assisting
Deepening the Practice for Student and Teacher
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: none
• Post Module Homework: journal about using 5 different enhancements in your classes
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Delving deeper into the various types of enhancements/assists/corrections, practicing enhancements/assists/corrections, and the use of props. We will explore enhancements/assists/corrections for hatha, restorative and yin postures.
*Note: this is a very “handsy” weekend – lots of exploration and practice with the intention of application.
12. Chakras 1
Connecting Deeper Within
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith
• Post Module Homework: 30 days after the module is complete, journal about which techniques stayed with you in your teaching and/or practice
Discuss and experience a variety of techniques to sense into and work with the first three energy centers (root, sacral and solar plexus chakras).
13. Chakras 2
Connecting Deeper Within
• Pre-requisites: Chakras 1
• Required Reading: Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith
• Post Module Homework: 30 days after the module is complete, journal about which techniques stayed with you in your teaching and/or practice
Discuss and experience a variety of techniques to sense into and work with your remaining main energy centers (heart, throat, brow and crown chakras).
14. Vedic Astrology 1
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: Vedic Astrology Deck by Jeffrey Armstrong
• Post Module Homework: put together a write up for your own chart: which signs and planets are in which houses, and what are the themes that arise.
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If we’re going to study Yoga, it’s important to remember that it is one piece of a much bigger Vedic puzzle, and learning about the allied Vedic sciences helps to bring more context and understanding. In this course we explore the basics of Vedic Astrology: the types of charts, houses, signs, and planets.
15. Vedic Astrology 2
• Pre-requisites: Vedic Astrology 1
• Required Reading: TBD
• Post Module Homework: add to the Vedic Astrology 1 HW by adding your solar, lunar, and lagna nakshatras and any yogas you came across (for your own chart only).
In this course we dive deeper, exploring the Nakshatras (lunar mansions), planetary relationships, and some of the basic yogas (conjunctions).
16. Yin Yoga 1
Experience this Quiet Practice
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: Yinsights by Bernie Clark. If you cannot get a copy of YinSights, please use The Complete Book of Yin Yoga, also by Bernie Clark. Another good book is Yin Yoga by Paul Grilley.
• Post Module Homework: experience one yin practice per week for 5 weeks and journal about it.
Begins with the purpose, theory, and foundations of Yin Yoga. We will spend the remaining time on practice development and depth, as well as experiencing as many Yin postures and variations as we can fit into the weekend.
17. Yin Yoga 2
Teach this Quiet Practice
• Pre-requisites: Yin Yoga 1
• Required Reading: Yinsights by Bernie Clark. If you cannot get a copy of YinSights, please use The Complete Book of Yin Yoga, also by Bernie Clark.
• Post Module Homework: Prepare a Yin Yoga class for submission
You will teach your planned yin class, as well as experience everyone else’s yin classes. There will be room for discussion and feedback (if wanted).
18. Vinyasa 1
the Art of Inner Flow
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: none
• Post Module Homework: experience one vinyasa practice per week for 5 weeks and journal about it.
We will discuss the purpose and theory of this methodology, as well as experience a variety vinyasa sequences.
19. Vinyasa 2
Teach the Art of Inner Flow
• Pre-requisites: Vinyasa 1
• Required Reading: none
• Post Module Homework: Prepare a vinyasa class for submission.
You will teach your planned vinyasa class, as well as experience everyone else’s vinyasa classes. There will be room for discussion and feedback (if wanted).
20. Restorative 1
Experience the Yoga of Undoing
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: Relax & Renew by Judith Lasater – either edition works great
• Post Module Homework: practice 1 restorative posture a day for 30 days and journal about it.
Begins with discussion on the purpose, theory and therapeutic applications of this methodology. Experience as many restorative postures and variations as we can fit into the weekend. Prepare to undo!
21. Restorative 2
Teach the Yoga of Undoing
• Pre-requisites: Restorative 1
• Required Reading: Relax & Renew by Judith Lasater – either edition works great
• Post Module Homework: prepare a restorative class
Review the purpose, theory and therapeutic applications of this methodology. Discuss sequencing principles and practice teach.
22. Yoga Nidra 1
Experience Integrating your Levels of Being for Deep Healing
• Pre-requisites: none
• Required Reading: Yoga Nidra by Richard Miller PhD – either edition works great
• Post Module Homework: journal about practicing Yoga Nidra twice weekly for a month
Begins with discussion on the purpose, foundations, and theory of Yoga Nidra practice. Discuss practice development and depth, and experience Yoga Nidra practice sessions.
23. Yoga Nidra 2
Teaching Integrating the Levels of Being for Deep Healing
• Pre-requisites: Yoga Nidra 1
• Required Reading: Yoga Nidra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
• Post Module Homework: Prepare a Yoga Nidra script for submission
You will teach your planned Yoga Nidra, as well as experience everyone else’s Yoga Nidras. There will be room for discussion and feedback (if wanted).
24. Ayurvedic Dosha Yoga 1
Experience Yoga for the Seasons
• Pre-requisites: Ayurveda 1 (online) or Foundations of Ayurveda Program
• Required Reading: Ayurvedic Yoga by Mona Warner
• Post Module Homework: experience one ayurvedic yoga practice per week for 5 weeks and journal about it
Looking at yoga practices through the lens of Ayurveda, we will explore asana, pranayama, and dhyana for each of the doshas/seasons.
25. Ayurvedic Dosha Yoga 2
Teach Yoga for the Seasons
• Pre-requisites: Ayurvedic Dosha Yoga 1
• Required Reading: Ayurvedic Yoga by Mona Warner
• Post Module Homework: Prepare a class plan to submit, and with your submission include how you would modify the plan for each of the three seasons/doshas. You will teach one of these classes to the group.
Deepen your understanding of applying the lens of ayurveda by teaching one of your ayurvedic yoga classes. There will be room for discussion and feedback (if wanted).
26. Ayurvedic Guna Yoga 1
• Pre-requisites: Ayurveda 1 (online) or Foundations of Ayurveda Program
• Required Reading: Ayurvedic Yoga by Mona Warner
• Post Module Homework: experience one ayurvedic yoga practice per week for 5 weeks and journal about how it affected your gunas.
Looking at yoga practices using the language of Ayurveda, we will explore how to cultivate specific gunas (qualities of nature) using pace, cueing, asana, pranayama, dhyana, mantra and mudra for a variety of gunas (as many as we can fit in!).
27. Ayurvedic Guna Yoga 2
• Pre-requisites: Ayurvedic Guna Yoga 1
• Required Reading: Ayurvedic Yoga by Mona Warner
• Post Module Homework: Prepare a class plan to submit. You will teach your class to the group.
Deepen your understanding of working with the Ayurvedic Gunas by teaching a Guna Yoga class. There will be room for discussion and feedback (if wanted).
28. Chair Yoga for Seniors
Presented happily in collaboration with Kathryn Anne Flynn of Intelligent Edge Yoga.
Learn the benefits and methods of adapting yoga into a chair-based practice for seniors, including those with specific conditions. Hosted by Kathryn Flynn and Mona Warner, with guest teaching from Erin Bidlake, this program combines pre-recorded lectures and instructional videos with live evening sessions for flexibility and integration.
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This course is for everyone, and it counts as one credit in the 300-hour Intelligent Edge Yoga program, and as a module in the Janati Yoga 300-hour YTT.
This 6-week online training includes…Who are seniors? Looking at the ageing population and general overviews of statistics, health, and wellness challenges relevant to seniors
Evidence-based approach to the benefits of yoga for these groups, including brain health and improved mobility
The Ayurvedic lens on ageing and supportive practices
Exploring challenges of aging – mechanical and functional, including outlines of the condition, risk factors, and how yoga practice can intervene
Guidelines related to pain and restrictions, chronic pain, and chair yoga for chronic pain
What to expect in a chair yoga class, how to set up, and how to approach teaching
Bonus! “Advanced” Chair Yoga class with Mona Warner to integrate and celebrate course conclusion
29. Being Trauma Responsive
Perspectives in Yoga & ayurveda
Presented happily in collaboration with Kathryn Anne Flynn of Intelligent Edge Yoga.
Processing and healing from traumatic experiences happens in relationship. As many people turn to wellness, mindfulness or movement practices, like yoga, to support their recovery, knowledge of trauma and its effects is essential for modern yoga teachers.
Participants have the gift of a diversity of voices and experience in this training, including Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga Educator, Mona L. Warner, and Yoga Educator and attachment and trauma therapist, Kathryn Anne Flynn.
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Topics include:
✓ Latest trauma theories and neurophysiology of trauma
✓ The relationship between trauma experiences and interpersonal neurobiology (including attachment)
✓ Understanding how self-protective trauma responses are natural, if not helpful, and how the body can help healing
✓ How trauma experiences are often bound up in systems of oppression, including sexism, racism, xenophobia, ableism, economic injustice, and homophobia
✓ Exploring trauma-informed and trauma-specific yoga practice, including facilitation and content
✓How trauma responsive yoga is one of compassion - flexible, kind, and open to ancient wisdom and scientific underpinnings of trauma theories
✓ The Ayurvedic perspective on the mind, trauma, and resilience + some ideas and practices to maintain and increase resilience in the body-mind
✓ And more….
This course is a mix of self-paced materials, live Zoom lectures with guest lecturers, and an in-person weekend in Ottawa, Canada with Kathryn Flynn and Mona Warner.
Beginning the first week of May, weekly content rolls out for participants. Our live weekend in Ottawa presents new information and the opportunity to practice.
Our live weekend is hosted at Yogatown in Stittsville, Ontario just outside Ottawa. Yogatown’s address is 1300 Stittsville Main St.
Course materials include video and audio lectures, course handouts, and participation in all Zoom lectures and the live weekend. Materials are available for 6 months after course completion.